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2024/2025 Academic Rodeo Volunteer
Volunteers are an important part of Academic Rodeo! Thank you for your interest in serving as an Academic Rodeo Volunteer. Please check all areas where you would like to be involved.
Youth volunteers must have parental permission to volunteer or be under the supervision of a parent or group leader.
Personal Information
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Sign up for email updates from East Texas State Fair
Phone Number
Zip Code
Special Skills & Talents
Please check all that apply
Data entry
Education Professional
Artistic - Drawing, painting
Artistic - Design
Theater Experience
Building things
Volunteer Agreement
Completing this application says you will:
Groups may volunteer to work with specific contests or activities in support of Academic Rodeo. If you are representing a group, list the Group name below.
Group Name
Group Type
School Organization
Youth Organization
Community Club
Volunteer Activities at Academic Rodeo Contests - Specified Times
Check all areas that are of interest to you.
Early November,mid-late January, early February
Overall - Taking Photos at Contests
Academic Challenge Quiz Scorekeeper or Timekeeper - Nov., Jan., Feb.
Dates needed depend on Brackets set in October
1 to 3 days in mid Nov.
1 to 3 days 2nd week of Jan.
1 to 3 days 3rd week of Jan.
1 to 3 days 4th week of Jan.
1 to 2 days 1st week of Feb.
Engineering Challenge -1 day in late Jan. or early Feb.
Help refurbish Rover Courses during Fall 2021
Check-in Teams - beginning 8:30 on contest day
Weigh Rovers - beginning 8:30 on contest day
Judge Presentations - beginning 9:00 contest day
Supervise & Score a Course - beginning 9:15 contest day
Judge Notebooks - 8:30 or after contest day
Mathletics - 1 day in Jan. - 8:30 a.m. - Help with Check-in; help with scoring tests
Mindset Breaking Experience - mid Nov. and/or end of Jan. or early Feb.
Nov.: 8:00 - 3:00; Feb.: 8:00 - 1:00
Nov. - Check-in Teams
Nov. - Doorkeeper - Not Needed
Nov. - Presenter
Feb. - Check-in Teams
Feb. - Doorkeeper
Feb. - Presenter
Drama Festival - 3 possible days in Jan.
Scheduled over 3-4 days (1-2 for HS & 1-2 for MS)
Manage Flow of Festival
Supervise Dressing Room
Sound/Lights Supervisor
Science Fair - late Jan. or early Feb.
(Check-in 11:00-12:30; Judging 1:00 to 3:00)
Sorting/labeling Journals & Illustrations (1-2 weeks prior to contest)
Data entry of scores for pre-judging
Check-in/Set-up Entries on day of contest
Photography of event on day of contest
Announce individuals to be judged as needed
Facilitate judging area
Data entry of scores at contest
Organize scoresheets & results
Youth Fashion Show - Jan.
Check-in & Photos 9:00-10:00; Show 10:00 - 12:00
Organize entries and score sheets for judging - 1 week prior to contest
Check-in Students at contest
Take Photos prior to Fashion Show
Assist with modeling instruction at contest
Assist with Tabulation & data entry
Awards Celebration - (Packet Preparation - Mid Feb 2022; Set-up - Feb. 23; Event - Feb. 25
Event: Check-in 8:30-10:15; Take-Down 10:30-11:45
Packet Preparation - begins 1 to 2 weeks prior to event as available
Take-Down Entries - Last Tues. or Wed. in Feb.
Set-up - afternoon of last Thursday in Feb.
Take photos - 8:30 to 11:45 Last Fri. in Feb.
Greeters - 8:30 to 10:15 Last Fri. in Feb.
Group Check-in - 8:30 to 10:15 Last Fri. in Feb.
Assist with Groups - 10:00 to 11:45 Last Fri. in Feb.
Volunteer Activities - Flexible Hours
Check all areas that are of interest to you.
1 to 2 Meetings per Year; assist as available
Academic Rodeo Advisory - Serve on Committee
Academic Challenge Quiz - Typing/organizing resources or questions - through October
Work as available during ETSF Office hours
Engineering Challenge - Inventory Lego Kits Before October 15
Writing Contest - Sort & check-in entries - late Oct.
Copying Worksheets, Score Sheets, etc. for Contests
Early November
Early January
Mid January
Late January
Early February
Kinder Critters - Sort, Check-in & Display - mid Nov.
Writing Contest - Put essays in notebook Dec. 1, completed by 1st week of Jan.
Art Contest - Sorting entries - mid to late Nov.
Art Contest - Displaying entries anytime 1st Week of Jan.
Kinder Critters - Set-up Display - Anytime 1st Week of Jan.
Spelling Bee - Help prepare notebooks for contest - 1st Week of Jan.
Computer Science & Science Fair - Sort entries for judging - mid Jan.
Computer Science - Displaying copies of entries - late Jan. or early Feb.
Can be done throughout summer, completed by August
For Virtual AR at ETSF - Organize photos for Photo Frames
Can be done over summer
For Sept. Virtual AR at ETSF - Organize Writing & Computer Notebooks
Usually done on Tuesday before ETSF begins
For Virtual AR at ETSF - Help set-up display
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